Find the ideal wallpaper to decorate a girl's bedroom, and dress the walls with colors and patterns that suit her, and that awaken her spirit.
For some time now, wallpaper has been regaining popularity in the world of decoration. Particularly for dressing children's rooms. It has many practical advantages, which make it easier for parents to adapt to the changing character of their children over the years, especially for girls.
What wallpaper for a girl's bedroom?
Certainly, there is the universal rule which attributes pink color for girls and the color blue for boys. However, there is no guarantee that a specific shade will satisfy the little one and it would be a shame to spend money on wallpaper that she will not like in the end. Therefore, when choosing wallpaper, you should focus on color combinations. The wallpaper should reflect her personality and give her a feeling of security and comfort every time she enters her room.
To do this, nothing is better than the panoramic wallpaper. This new genre represents decorations that will give a real character to the room. It is structured around several themes, with a background and a base of very discreet color, so as not to weigh down the room. There are, for example, wallpapers, representing the jungle, the sea, stuffed animals, flowers, the starry sky, clouds etc. In addition, the patterns can be personalized. Indeed, the illustrators, who collaborate with the manufacturers and sellers of wallpapers, are there to best realize the desires of their customers.
Difference between girl wallpaper and baby girl wallpaper
The difference between wallpaper for the little girl's room and the one for a baby girl's room is found in the patterns and colors used. A small baby does not yet have the ability to distinguish the shapes or figures that are displayed on the walls. However, colors allow him to differentiate things and build his identity.
This is why it is encouraged to combine several colors in his room, so that he can certify his tastes, as he grows. The wallpaper used in a baby girl's room is therefore most often oriented around very soft pastel tones, which will not harm his eyesight.
For the little girl, it will be mainly the graphics and bright colors that will come into play. Indeed, the child is already in a period of discovery and curiosity. In addition, his imagination becomes more and more overflowing. To encourage him in this direction and shape his creativity, the patterned papers allow her to immerse herself in another world. Through varied illustrations, the little girl will be able to project herself and be amazed.
Knowing that this is essential for his psychological and intellectual development, the room will thus become a place of adventure and discovery, where dreams will come to life.
Patterned or plain wallpapers for a girl's bedroom ?
Whether it's a patterned wallpaper or a plain wallpaper, the main thing is to make sure that the little one is comfortable in her room. In addition, you have to choose the model carefully, so that she does not get tired of it after a while.Therefore, if parents decide to take a patterned wallpaper, it is advisable not to choose drawings that will weigh down the room. It is advisable to opt, on the contrary, for delicate illustrations, which will help the child to rest. On the other hand, for plain wallpaper, you have to make sure that the color matches the furniture and is not too flashy.
When in doubt, patterned and plain wallpapers can be mixed depending on the spaces. side of the bed, for example, there can be solid colors, in order to soothe and relax the little girl. At the play area, parents can opt for bright colors and patterns, sharpening her mind. Similarly for the office, the patterns and colors can be decided, so as not to distract her.
Of course, it depends on each person's preferences and budget. However, it would be essential not to overload the visual of the room. The combination of colors and patterns only works if a common atmosphere is respected.
The best wallpaper for your princess
Finding a paper that meets the expectations of the parents and the little princess can be a real obstacle course. However, age plays a big role in the selection. Besides light shades for babies, from the age of two, the little girl begins to be interested in her surroundings. However, she still needs rest, which is why wallpapers with soft patterns that lead to relaxation are the most preferred.
At four years old, the little girl begins to have her own tastes. She begins to watch TV and to become attached to fictional characters. Her selections will then focus on the wallpapers with fantasy characters, which suits him best.
From five to six years old, the little girl now has her character. Her friends and her environment also have a great influence on her. During this period, the fairy world attracts her more and more, with fairy tale princesses. The favorite color then becomes pink. The wallpaper to put in her room therefore follows this logic. Finally, from the age of six, the magic gradually fades and the little girl will concentrate more on her passions.
She will detach herself from the children's wallpapers and will turn to a more abstract and sober style. In any case, in order to find the best wallpaper for the princess, you just have to ask her what she really wants and the rest will follow.
Decorating your children's walls properly is a must. Creating a warm, cozy and visually appealing room for them is a priority for every parent. Browse through our collection for newborns and choose the best wallpaper for bedroom ; whether it's with stars or pink clouds, you won't leave empty-handed.