Attracting girls from a young age, unicorns have been a popular decorative motif for a long time. This has continued to grow.
In order to obtain a room with a whimsical and magical style, unicorn wallpaper is a great ally. Thanks to the feeling of tranquility it represents, this mythical creature is increasingly being honored. The reasons for its use are still numerous.
Unicorns, the best decoration for walls ?
Unicorns are fabulous creatures, very popular with little girls. They are most often compared to one-horned horses, given that they have one in the middle of their forehead. Indeed, it is during childhood that every individual finds themselves attracted to the imaginary world. In this image, children often want to decorate their room.
Unicorns are a great alternative to satisfy them. With their soft and friendly appearance, they are soothing and offer a feeling of magic. The wall will look fantastic, and pleasant.
For rooms with small spaces, the wall decoration is recommended. In this regard, the use of wallpaper is recommended. Most often, in warm colors, the unicorn pattern wallpapers brighten up the room and are a perfect decoration for a wall. However, it would be best to use them in bedrooms, not in living rooms. Whether small patterns or large panoramic patterns, unicorns guarantee an open look to the room.
Unicorn wallpaper for girl's room
Unicorns are considered mythical, gentle and kind creatures. Present every time in the fairy tales and princely stories, unicorns are among the most chosen decorative elements, especially by girls. They are timeless, even if the appreciation given to them begins at a relatively young age. It is noted that from one year old, already, little girls begin to appreciate them personally.
Usually, this taste for magic continues until adolescence. In addition, the childish setting offered by the unicorn wallpapers will promote good sleep.
Most of the time, unicorn wallpapers blend perfectly with the colors of therainbow. In fact, stories say that these creatures live near rainbows. Wallpapers to combine with unicorn wallpapers are therefore easy to find. The seven colours of the rainbow are therefore suitable, regardless of the unicorn wallpaper chosen. However, it would be wise to decide on soft and gentle colours, such as pastel and pale tones. For a little girl, pale pink, chick yellow or white are colors that can easily be combined with unicorns.
Magical and fairytale mural wallpaper
In order to make wall decor, offered by the wallpaper, more attractive, it is advisable to lean towards a panorama wallpaper, to fill the entirety of a wall. In this perspective, the unicorn would fill the entire wall and will thus offer a realistic dimension to the creature. This will allow the child to immerse himself perfectly in this world of magic and enchantment. Moreover, unicorns are also creatures that attract fans of fanciful and extraordinary adventures. The walls decorated with these wallpapers easily immerse those who look at them, in another, more creative universe.
In order to reinforce this feeling of novelty, it is good to combine the unicorn wallpaper with sequin decorations. Note that there is already a range of unicorn wallpapers directly glittered. However, it is possible to get a simple unicorn wallpaper, and cover it all with a glitter resin. This will allow the wall, but also the wallpaper, to benefit from a certain durability and a more particular style. For this, it would be better to install the head of the bed towards the wall, to immerse yourself completely in another dimension.
Kawaii unicorns in wallpapers
THE kawaii decor has been increasingly popular for a few years now. Of Japanese origin, the word kawaii defines everything that is cute and soft at the same time. Even the graphics of kawaii unicorns are executed with more rounded and curved lines. The drawings are childish, and rather, in small format. The colors used remain, also, very soft, therefore. This kawaii decor makes the room pleasant to live in. Such types of patterns should be used more in the bedroom, in order to facilitate restful sleep, and provide a feeling of peace and comfort.
A kawaii unicorns wallpaper wall is enough decoration for a room on its own. However, it is possible to hang other decorative elements on it. Dreamcatchers, in the shape of a star, for example, will make a perfect combination with kawaii unicorns. You should also consider opting for a similar decoration in a room that is rather open and illuminated.
Finally, it would be interesting to do the same for the games or awakening rooms, for children. Soft and delicate lighting during the night will, among other things, make the decor even warmer and more pleasant.